A couple of weeks ago, I was preaching about giving, as a mark of discipleship. Disciples give through an attitude of gratitude. Not out of obligation, nor out of rewards expected or out of threat or fear.
Watch that sermon below.
As Advent just recently started for 2018, we enter a time of budget discussions and an annual meeting. Giving comes in many forms. It comes in the talents that people bring, the monies they give and the time they give, just to name a few. In a “perfect” world, we would not have to worry about making payment on the bills. But do we? Do we really trust in the promises of God? If we are following God’s calling for us, things will work out. It is when we buck God’s way and we head to another highway, that God did not want us on, things go wrong.
The flip side of giving with a grateful attitude is receiving, with a grateful attitude. If we are unable to receive gratefully, how can we give gratefully? Our “stuff” can get in our way, both in giving and receiving.
Back to receiving, God keeps on giving, even when we are ungrateful. Maybe that works against us, on how we respond to the one giving. God keeps on giving, and we keep taking and then we ask for more and more. If we are unwilling to receive and give back with a grateful attitude, that reflects on how we receive what is given by others.
When people give, whatever they give, little or lots, we need to thank them for the giving they have done. Showing gratitude, is life-giving and contagious. The quickest way to stop someone from giving, is demanding more from the person that is giving, or telling them thanks, now give me more. How about, thanks, but you did not do enough or did not do “it well”. Any demands to the giver, is not helpful to them or us. Any demands, do not make our or the giver’s actions, life-giving.
God gave us God’s Son. We wait in this time of Advent, with Hope for something that God brings to us, today and in the future. We wait in this time of Advent, for peace to come. We wait in this time of Advent, for God’s Love to be revealed in flesh. We wait in this time of Advent, to receive with an attitude of gratitude, the Joy that is given to us by God and received by us with an attitude of gratitude.
Now if we could only live this way all year long. Giving and receiving with an attitude of gratitude. Saying thanks for what is given. We pray together: God of everything, we give you back what you have first given us. We ask that you bless all those who gave and those who wanted to give. Bless all that is given, to be used for Your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.