I saw this blog post today. I have identified with this and in some ways still do. Prayer does not come natural for me, yes, as a pastor, it does not. It does when I am leading as a pastor, but not in my private life. It has changed over time and it is better but it needs more. I meet with pastors all the time that struggle with prayer.
Each Friday, I meet with a few pastors, and we spend time talking about our week and then steep ourselves into prayer. This has changed my life. I know it will continue to change and shape my life. As I tell my kids in confirmation, prayer can be a simple “thank you”. But we still need to actually do it, to be in conversation with God.
Starting this Sunday, we will be holding prayer meetings between services. For those that want to be in prayer, the power of prayer together, we will gather in the room next to the kitchen, around 9:30 am. We will spend 20-30 mins in prayer. You are welcome to come and go as you please. Pray silently or out-loud. Pray for whatever you want to talk to God about. There are no rules to prayer, just speak and listen. (Okay, that sounded like a rule, but it s guidance.)
Read this wonderful blog post for some greater insight.