Cultivate Love through Epiphanies …  think ah-ha moments.  Epiphanies are about manifestations, enlightenment, bringing light into our darkness.  According to the Oxford Dictionary, Manifestation refers to an event, action or thing that is a sign that something exists or is happening.

 And so, we look at stories during this Time after Epiphany to learn more about God through Jesus.  We will experience miracles, watch on as Jesus is rejected and led to the side of the cliff, and be present in his teachings.  We will learn what it means to be a disciple and even how to love; and in all this, we hopefully learn how strong, powerful and abundant God’s love and grace is for us.

Our Synodical theme this month is “Cultivating Love through Epiphanies.”  And so, let’s ponder through these weeks on how each story can enlighten us as to how God is at work in our lives and in the lives of the community we live in, here at First and our neighborhood.

And let’s take it even a step further than that.  And ask, “Am I sharing what I am learning with the rest of my world?”

Are you using some of the Faith Forward tools that I have shared to connect with others in your family … or friends?  Have you shared your faith with anyone lately?  Have you used any of the prayer practices that I have introduced to you?

How are we Cultivating Love with one another and with our neighbors?

Can we, in this season of Epiphany, ponder on these stories we hear and challenge ourselves and one another to find new insights and wisdom?  And then we can recognize the questions God might be providing and calling us to see and dwell in.

Questions for pondering:  How are you sensing God active in your life?  Is God calling you to sense and see something in new light?  Is God calling this faith community to sense and see something in new light?  Are you forever changed as a beloved disciple and Child of God?

In this month of February, we will observe some very special dates:  Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day and President’s Day.  Winter continues and maybe we experience the hope that comes as days begin to grow longer and spring starts to come near.  How might these observations provide intentional opportunities in your life and in the life of our faith community for conversations, discoveries and epiphanies?

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” 
(Isaiah 60:1)                                                 

                                             – Pastor Patti Meyer