Community, Discipleship, Evangelism, Faith, Giving, Jesus, Mission, Sermon, Talents
Category: Jesus
20 Posts
Death, Discipleship, Evangelism, Faith, Forgiveness, Grace, Jesus, Life, Love, Response, Sermon, Transformation
Love in Death, Through Three
Attitude, Blog, Change, Discipleship, Faith, Fear, Foundation, Giving, Jesus, Reflection, Response, Talents
Parable of the Talents

Blog, Community, COVID-19, Food, Jesus, Love, Prayer
COVID-19 Responses

Change, Children, Communion, Community, Contemporary, Easter, Jesus, Life, Mission, Resurrecting, Welcoming
Resurrecting, Welcoming
Change, Jesus, Maundy Thursday, Sermon
Change from God in Christ
Death, Hope, Jesus, Lent, Palm Sunday, Sermon
Stories Matter
Easter, Good Friday, Holy Week, Jesus, Lent, Living Last Supper, Maundy Thursday, Talk of The Town
Living Last Supper 2019
Advent, Children, Christmas, Community, Evangelism, Jesus, Joy, Mary, Mission, Siouxland News